Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh Snap!

I have been so blessed to be able to sign up to attend the Sewing Summit later this fall, and am so beyond tickled to be there and learn and see all the amazing things from the world of color, fabric, and sewing! But dang it all, if another amazing conference didn't pop up right after I forked over the bucks for the first (which was a huge sacrifice)! Somehow, someway, I really gotta get to the Snap! conference this Spring! It is a creative blogging and social media conference, in a nutshell. I want to learn about blogging, growing my creative ideas, and running an at-home business successfully!! This would be the perfect place to do that- I am already drooling over being able to just MEET Jessica and Mique, not to mention all the other amazing people that will be there.

Now here's the deal- they are generously giving away a free ticket to the conference, so I have to have a reason to want one. I don't just WANT one, I N-E-E-D one!!!! Yes, need! And let me tell you why...

I have tried blogging several different times in my creative spheres. I can do just fine in my private family blog and have no difficulty there. But when I get in front of people I don't "know" I get all clamy and worried about what I should do and say, and I just want to be me. I am a very private person by nature, but super friendly at the same time, so this is a fine line when the interenet can be a little crazy at times. I'd love to know how to feel more comfortable being me, and yet still be able to not feel that I am expounding too much on my private life :). I know experience is part of this, but after blogging for years, I feel I need a "real life" teaching experience. :) I am a visual learner, so reading a lot doesn't seem to help me. If you can show me something once, I've got it down forever!! So that's why I NEED to be there come April!

If you haven't heard about the conference yet, here's the place where you can get all the info you need and can drool away :) - just stay far away from your keyboard while drooling :) It's . There you have it- why I need to be there, and now I know you wanna be there too :)


  1. Hopping over from the SNAP! contest linky now that voting is up. Thanks for entering the contest. I am having fun looking at your site and checking out all the fun things...

    Best of luck!

  2. Good luck with the contest!! :)

  3. Ever wanted to get free Twitter Re-tweets?
    Did you know you can get them ON AUTO-PILOT & ABSOLUTELY FREE by getting an account on Like 4 Like?
